Company Date : * Last Name : * Course : * First Name : 1. How the course is conducted 1. 1 Duration 1.1 La durée Very goodGoodFairPoor You must select only one answer 1.1 Comments If you answer is "Fair or Poor", please explain it 1. 2 Sequencing of the different parts 1.1 Le séquencement Very goodGoodFairPoor You must select only one answer 1.2 Comments If you answer is "Fair or Poor", please explain it 1. 3 Pace of the course 1.3 Le rythme Very goodGoodFairPoor You must select only one answer 1.3 Comments If you answer is "Fair or Poor", please explain it 2. Content of the course 2.1 Content adapted to your expectations 2.1 Le contenu Very goodGoodFairPoor You must select only one answer 2.1 Comments If you answer is "Fair or Poor", please explain it 2.2 Balance between theory and practice 2.2 Equilibre Very goodGoodFairPoor You must select only one answer 2.2 Comments If you answer is "Fair or Poor", please explain it 2.3 Quality of the content (practical cases, theory) 2.3 Qualité Very goodGoodFairPoor You must select only one answer 2.3 Comments If you answer is "Fair or Poor", please explain it 3. Animation of the course 3.1 Facilitation methods of the trainer 3.1 Comments Very goodGoodFairPoor You must select only one answer 3.1 Comments If you answer is "Fair or Poor", please explain it 3.2 Quality of the trainer's listening skills 3.2 Ecoute Very goodGoodFairPoor You must select only one answer 3.2 Comments If you answer is "Fair or Poor", please explain it 3.3 Expertise of the content 3.3 Maitrise Very goodGoodFairPoor You must select only one answer 3.3 Comments If you answer is "Fair or Poor", please explain it 4. Organization 4.1 Welcome and information before the course 4.1 Accueil Very goodGoodFairPoor You must select only one answer 4.1 Comments If you answer is "Fair or Poor", please explain it 4.2 Location, Room 4.2 Salle Very goodGoodFairPoor You must select only one answer 4.2 Comments If you answer is "Fair or Poor", please explain it Your overall assessment for this course Final Very goodGoodFairPoor You must select only one answer 5.0 Comments If you answer is "Fair or Poor", please explain it More comments ... If you want to add extra comments :